Have you....
* Joined HSLDA?
* Studied the resources on HSLDA.org for California
homeschooling families?
* Thought about how much freedom and flexibility you want in your homeschooling program?
* Withdrawn your children from the public school district?
* Talked with your kiddos about how they want to homeschool?
* Envisioned how you want to homeschool?
* Thought about how you want your days to go and your household to run?
Background Checks
Heritage has been authorized to request background checks for our group. All parents who serve as "Parent on Duty" in any of our programs MUST be background checked prior to serving.
* Please print out and complete
the Live Scan request form
linked below.
* Take this form to a Live Scan
location---the UPS Store located
by Target in Vacaville will give
you 15% off your Live Scan fee
* Please inform Heritage
leadership that you have
completed your Live Scan.